Industry News
C.R. Onsrud to expand manufacturing capacity
Time:05 Jan,2016
The machining and machine tool specialist will add a second manufacturing building to its North Carolina facility, giving the company an additional 50,000-sq-ft of space.
Following a period of substantial growth, machining and machine tool specialist C.R. Onsrud (Troutman, NC, US) reports that it will soon begin construction of a second manufacturing building, which will add approximately 50,000 ft2 to its Troutman facility.
The addition will house the raw materials fabrication arm of the C.R. Onsrud business. The company says it anticipates a continued need to seek out highly skilled technicians, production team members, customer service professionals and other talented employees over the coming months to help fill the new space.
The additional room will allow C.R. Onsrud to significantly increase the number of units produced monthly, as well as test and evaluate new products that are currently in the research and development phase.
The additional building will further solidify these committments C.R. Onsrud has made to the industry and allow it to increase manpower in the other key areas once the fabrication division has been relocated to the new facility.