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Industry News

Applied Motion Products Introduces M5 Servo Series

Time:07 Feb,2024


Applied Motion Products introduces the M5 Servo Series – where power, precision, and cost-efficiency converge. The M5 Servo Series is engineered for high machine performance, exceptional torque output, and precise control. This series is optimized for cost-efficiency, ensuring peak capabilities without compromising performance. 

M5 servo drives implement accurate motor control algorithms. When paired with our M5 motors’ high-resolution encoders, they result in smooth and precise motion control. It supports fast motion profiles, automatic error compensation, and troubleshooting aids to achieve high system throughput and minimize downtime.

“The M5 series servo motors and drives with fast dynamic response, advanced safety features, and a broad range of industrial network options represent an unrivaled combination of performance and cost-effectiveness for our customers,” Don Macleod, CEO of Applied Motion Products.

To support OEM designs, a comprehensive range of mechanical customizations is available for all high-power density servo motors and drives.

The M5 Servo Series balances cost-effectiveness with performance. It offers a versatile range of options, competitive pricing, and premium components.